
Our real estate and litigation attorneys have extensive experience in property tax matters. We regularly consult with clients on disputes related to valuation for property tax purposes, eligibility for property tax exemptions and issues related to enrollment in Vermont’s Current Use Program. We have successfully represented taxpayers in all phases of property tax appeals involving a full spectrum of property categories, such as residential, commercial, agricultural, silvicultural and industrial real estate, as well as personal property and business equipment. 

Services & Capabilities

  • Advising clients regarding property tax exemption matters  
  • Assisting clients and their forestry consultants with issues related to enrollment, transfer and withdrawal from Vermont’s Current Use Program  
  • Representation of residential, commercial, agricultural, silvicultural and industrial property owners in all phases of property tax appeals:  
    • Grievance hearings  
    • Proceedings before the Board of Civil Authority/Board of Tax Appeals 
    • Hearings before the Civil Division of the Vermont Superior Court or before the State Department of Taxes Hearing Officer  
    • Appeals to the Vermont Supreme Court  
  • Coordination with real estate appraisers on tax appeal hearing procedures and  presentations  
  • Consultation with property owners regarding taxation of business equipment and personal property  
  • Assisting agricultural property owners with property tax issues related to farm buildings, farm equipment and methane digesters  
  • Negotiating Tax Stabilization Agreements and Development Agreements in connection with Tax Increment Financing (TIF) programs